Белоозеров Виктор Николаевич, 1939 г.р., женат.

Адрес: Москва

Телефон: 499-155-43-23



Postgraduate study (заочная аспирантура)
Lomonosov Moscow State University (МГУ), Department of Philology, Cathedre for General and Comparative Linguistics
PhD on Theoretical Linguistics
Dissertation topic: Modelling of the Phonological System of Speech Mechanism

Postgraduate study
Moscow Physical Technical Institute (MFTI), Department of General and Applied Physics, Cathedre for Radiophysics
Specialization: Plasma Physics

Moscow Physical Technical Institute (MFTI), Department of General and Applied Physics
Diploma of Engineer-Physicist in Radiophysics
Thesis topic: Electromagnetic Fields of the Cylindrical Devices for Plasma Containment

Russian, English
French (reading with a dictionary)
Опыт работы  

2008 - now
Sector cheef
1991 - 2008
Senior Scientific Researcher
All-Russia Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI), Department for Scientific Methods
Activity: Development, management and maintenance of classification systems - Russian National Reference File of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC); reference file of the Russian State Rubricator for Scientific and Technical Information; data base of the system of VINITI subject headings lists for 30 knowledge areas.
Development and revision of national and international standards on information, librarianship and publishing

2008 - 2013
2005 - 2007
Senior lecturer
Moscow State University for Culture and Arts
Teaching information sciences for humanitarians

2005 - 2012
Senior Scientific Researcher
Dorodnicin Computation Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
Activity: Development of the Thesaurus for Image Processing System and Knowledge Base

2004 - 2005
Staff member
Moscow City Centre for Business Supporting
Activity: Development of the lingustic tools for information search in data bases

2003 - 2004
Senior lecturer
Russian State University for Humanities (РГГУ)
Activity: Teaching linguistics for information systems applications.
Teaching information systems applications for humanitarians

2001 - 2005
Senior Consultant
Council for Cybernetics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Informatics
Activity: Development of the Thesaurus for Image Processing System and Knowledge Base

1995 - 1997
Senior Scientific Researcher
Institute for Information Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences
Activity: Development of the linguistic and information component of the system for compact disc storing of the images of valuable documents

1990 - 1991
Chief of the Department for Classification, Standardization and Compatibility of Information
All-Russia Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI)
Activity: Maintenance and management of the linguistic tools of the State Automated System for Scientific and Technical Information

1985 - 1990
Chief of the Division for Linguistic Tools
1975 - 1985
Senior Scientific Researcher
All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Technical Information, Classification and Coding (VNIIKI)
Activity: Maintenance and management of the linguistic tools of the State Automated System for Scientific and Technical Information and of the State Information System for Standardization.
Development and revision of national standards on information, librarianship and publishing

1965 - 1975
Junior Scientific Researcher
Radiotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (RAIAN)
Activity: Study of the electromagnetic fields of plasma containment and acceleration devices.
Development of a method for processing of the high energy particles track images of the Serpuxov Accelerator

Russian (native), English (not fluent), French (with dictionary)

Convener: Methodological Council for Management of the State Rubricator for Scientific and Technological Information.
Secretary: Methodological Council for UDC Management.
Member: Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Sciences'' Library for Natural Sciences (БЕН РАН)
Fellow: Russian branch of ISKO (Internationl Society for Knowledge Organization)
Member: Technical committee for standardization TK 355 "Automatic identification"
Member: Technical committee for standardization TK 191 "Scientific and technical information, librarianship and publishing"
Дополнительные сведения  


Manual on the Universal Decimal Classification: three isues (Учебное пособие по Универсальной десятичной классификации: три издания). - Moscow: VINITI, 2007, 2008, 2014 (in collaboration)

Учебное пособие по Универсальной десятичной классификации (Manual for UDC users) / Т. С. Астахова, О. А. Антошкова, Н. Ф. Чумакова, В. Н. Белоозеров, О. В. Смирнова, Э. Р. Сукиасян, науч. ред. В. Н. Белоозеров. - 2-е изд., испр. и доп. - M.: ВИНИТИ, 2008. - 188 с. - ISBN 978-5-94577-065-8.
2-е издание, исправленное и дополненное. - М.: ВИНИТИ, 2013. - 186 с.

Universal Decimal Classification: corrections and extensions. Six issues. - Moscow: VINITI, 2001 - 2013 (in collaboration)

УДК. Универсальная десятичная классификация: сокращённое изд. - шесть изданий, перераб и доп. - Moscow: VINITI, 2012. - (in collaboration)

12. UDC. Universal Decimal Classification. Complete Russian ed. Vol. 1.: Auxiliary tables. 0 Generalities. - Moscow: VINITI, 2001. - 246 p. (in collaboration)
Переиздание, исправленное и дополненное. - Moscow: VINITI, 2011. - 285 p. (in collaboration)

Индексирование фундаментальных научных направлений кодами информационных классификаций: Универсальная десятичная классификация. - М.: ВИНИТИ, 2010. – ISBN 978-5-94577-046-1

31. Рубрикатор как инструмент информационной навигации (RUBRICATOR as a tool for information surfing) / Р. С. Гиляревский, А. В. Шапкин, в. н. Белоозеров. - СПб.: Профессия, 2008. - 352 с. - ISBN 978-5-93913-168-1.

27. УДК. Универс. десят. классифика¬ция: Полн. 4 изд. на рус. язы¬ке. Т. 9.: 67/69 Различ. отрасли промышленности и ремёсел. Строительство. - M.: ВИНИТИ, 2008. - 271 с. (в соавторстве)

29. Государств. классификатор НТИ // Т. 1 Рубрикатор научно-технич. информации (ГРНТИ). – 256 с.; Т. 2 Алфавитно-предмет. указатель ГРНТИ. – 208 с [М.: ВИНИТИ, 2007] (в соавторстве)

30. УДК. Универс. десят. классификация. Полн. 4 изд. на рус. языке. Т. 8.: 66 Хим. технология. Хим. пром. Пищ. пром. Металлургия. Родств. отрасли. - М.: ВИНИТИ, 2007. - 310 с. (в соавторстве)

UDC. Universal Decimal Classification. Complete 4th Russian ed. Vol.10 : 7. Agriculture. Forestry. Hunting. Fishing. Housekeeping. Communal services. Telecommunication. Polygraphy. Transport. Post. Book-keeping. Busyness management. Advertising. - Moscow: VINITI, 2005. - 310 p.(in collaboration)

2. UDC. Universal Decimal Classification. Complete 4th Russian ed. Vol. 6. Part 1.: 6/621 Applied sciences. Technology. Engeneering. - Moscow: VINITI, 2004. - 210 p.(in collaboration)

3. UDC. Universal Decimal Classification. Complete 4th Russian ed. Vol. 6. Part 2.: 622/629 Technology. Engeneering. - Moscow: VINITI, 2004. - 160 p. (in collaboration)

5. UDC. Universal Decimal Classification. Complete 4th Russian ed. Vol. 4.: 55/59 Geologic and biologic scienses. - Moscow: VINITI, 2003. - 220 p. (in collaboration)

7. Annotated Index of Russian National and ISO International Standards. Scientific and Technical Information, Librarianship and Publishing. - Moscow: VINITI, 2003. - 132 p. (in collaboration)

8. Scientific and Technical Information, Librarianship and Publishing. Annotated Index of National and International Standards. - Moscow: VINITI, 2002. - 104 p. (in collaboration)

9. Universal Decimal Classification. Working tables for publishing and book trade. - Moscow: VINITI, 2002. - 250 p (in collaboration)

10. UDC. Universal Decimal Classification. Complete Russian ed. Vol. 3.: 5/54 Mathematics. Natural sciences. - Moscow: VINITI, 2002. - 255 p (in collaboration)

11. UDC. Universal Decimal Classification. Complete Russian ed. Vol. 2: 1/3 Philosophy. Religion. Social sciences. - Moscow: VINITI, 2002. - 323 p (in collaboration)

13. Universal Decimal Classification. 4th complete ed. (in Russian) : 3 Social sciences - Moscow: RECTOR, 2001. - 150 p (general editing)

15. Biblio-Normativ. A scientific publication on CD-ROM. - Moscow: VINITI and Informregistr, 2001 (in collaboration)

16. Universal Decimal Classification. Abridged ed. - Moscow: VINITI, 2001. - 150 p (in collaboration)

17. Universal Decimal Classification. 4th complete ed. (in Russian). : 5/54 Mathematics, natural sciences. - Moscow: RECTOR, 2000. - 134 p. (general editing)

18. Universal Decimal Classification. 4th complete ed. (in Russian). : 63/65 Agriculture. Home economics. Management. - Moscow: RECTOR, 1999. - 112 p. (general editing)

19. Rubricator for VINITI Information Publications. - Moscow: VINITI, 1999. - 450 p. (general editing)

20. Thesaurus of Terms on Sailing Tourism and Navigation. 2100 terms. Floppy-disc publication. - Moscow: МПТК, 1999

21. What is New in the State Rubricator for Scientific and Technological Information. - Moscow: VINITI, 1997. - 47 p.

22. Annotated Index of Inter-state, National and International Standards. Scientific and Technical Information, Librarianship and Publishing. - Moscow: VINITI, 1997. - 92 p. (in collaboration)

23. Linguistic Conception for the Russian Language Terminology Data Bank. - Moscow: M. Torez Moscow State Institute for Foreign Languages, 1989. - 104 p. (in collaboration)

24. Rules for Development of Branch Thesauri for Information Searching. - Moscow: State Committee on Science and Technologies of the USSR, 1986. - 13 p. (in collaboration)

25. Annotated Bibliography of the Thesauri for Information Searching. - Moscow: VINITI, 1980. - 34 p. (in collaboration)

27. УДК. Универс. десят. классифика¬ция: Полн. 4 изд. на рус. язы¬ке. Т. 9.: 67/69 Различ. отрасли промышленности и ремёсел. Строительство. - M.: ВИНИТИ, 2008. - 271 с. (в соавторстве)

28. Социальная теория информатики : Курс лекций (Social theory of informatics : A course of lections). - М.: МГУКИ, 2007. - 157 с.

29. Государств. классифи¬ка¬тор НТИ // Т. 1 Рубрикатор научно-технич. информации (ГРНТИ). – 256 с.; Т. 2 Алфавитно-предмет. указатель ГРНТИ. – 208 с [М.: ВИНИТИ, 2007] (в соавторстве)

30. УДК. Универс. десят. классификация. Полн. 4 изд. на рус. языке. Т. 8.: 66 Хим. технология. Хим. пром. Пищ. пром. Металлургия. Родств. отрасли. - М.: ВИНИТИ, 2007. - 310 с. (в соавторстве)

Over 10 items

Over 70 items in various Russian scientific journals

Over 30 reports on the investigations held in VNIIKI, VINITI, RAN Council on Cybernetics and RAIAN (in collaboration)

Authorship (in collaboration) in:
over 12 National standards (GOSTs) on information
16 governmental regulations on information
6 corporation''s standards on information technologies

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